What is The WISH List?

The WISH List — which stands for Women In the Senate and House® — raises money to identify, train, support and elect more Republican women leaders to public office at all levels of government. WISH is America’s largest fundraising network for pro-choice Republican women candidates!

How does WISH work?

WISH identifies promising pro-choice Republican women candidates.
We examine each candidate, campaign organization and race.
Viable contenders are introduced to our members through profiles.
WISH members are urged to contribute to at least two WISH-endorsed candidates per election cycle.
WISH holds events — from small “living room groups” to large receptions throughout the U.S.– to benefit The WISH List and its candidates.
WISH forwards member contributions to the designated campaigns.

What do we ask WISH Member to do?

We asks Basic WISH Members to write three checks a year:

Your 1st Check: Your membership check, the first check,
is used to advance our goals of nationwide candidate
identification, training and support;

Your 2nd & 3rd Checks: WISH asks that twice during an
election cycle you write a check of any size to a WISH-endorsed
candidate of your choice — women candidates you have
read about in our newsletters and profiles or met at our events.


What has WISH accomplished?

The results of this fundraising strategy have been significant! For the last several years, our WISH Partners across America have written many large and small checks that, together, add up to over $3,000,000 for our endorsed candidates. Overall, since WISH’s inception, we have quadrupled the number of pro-choice Republican women in the U.S. Senate and maintained the number of pro-choice Republican women in the U.S. House.

Overall, since WISH’s inception, there has been a four-fold increase in the number of pro-choice Republican women in the U.S. Senate and a 50 percent increase in the number of pro-choice Republican women in the U.S. House. WISH looks forward to a continued rise in the number of GOP women in Congress in the 21st Century.

Every election cycle The WISH List recruits, trains, endorses and supports dozens of mainstream Republican women candidates. WISH Members contributed thousands of dollars to their campaigns — and the majority of them won election!a